Recommend a movie for me to see in the comments

I'll try to delete comments on here as I consume the movies listed on them.
Thrill to the sight of my consumption!!

Very Official and Important Rules:
  1. Leave your recommendations in a comment on this page. The title should be unambiguous (link to imdb if need be.) If I can't tell which you're recommending, I'll guess.
  2. Films will be watched in the order that they are recommended. If one person recommends a whole bunch of titles all at once, I'll interleave their suggestions with the next person (ie: one person recommends a, b, c, d. The next person recommends x, y. A third person recommends q. I'll watch a, x, b, y, c, q, d. I think this is most fair.)
  3. It may be months (or years!) before I get to your movie. At my fastest, I'll get to 1 or 2 movies from this list per week. If I'm busy, it will be slower.
  4. You may recommend shows, but I will not watch them in any systematic way. It is a crapshoot.
  5. I retain final executive control over what I watch, and I'm telling you now: I'm not watching Modern Times Forever (which is currently the longest film ever made, with a running time of 10 days) or anything like that.
  6. I'll do my best to review your film, but there is no guarantee it will be a decent or competent review.
These recommendations don't have to be your favorite movies or the movies you think are greatest. Sometimes just an okay movie I've never heard of before is nice. I haven't been in a theater much lately, so even a currently-running film is acceptable!


  1. Girl Watcher, the noir

    1. Do you have an imdb link? All I can find are a prono from 1975 and a spanish film from '69

  2. Good morning, Peter!

    Long time, no see. I hope that life finds you well. I really wanted to highlight a movie that I just saw in theaters that particularly struck me for its humor and brutal honestly regarding the nature of romantic relationships and love.

    The Lobster, starring Colin Farrel, is easily one of the most bizarre films that I've seen in quite some time. I highly recommend that you see it at your earliest convenience.

    Also, if you haven't already, I would like to suggest that you watch one of my all time favorite films, The Apartment (1960), starring Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine. It's heart-wrenching and hilarious in equal measure.

    Also, if you have a moment, I have a list that I'd like you to take a look at. No commitments, just give it a scan and see if anything catches your eye.

    Anyway, take care! It's great to hear from you again.

    1. Hey, Steven! Good to hear from you! I'll add your list of films to my collection of recommendation lists. That list of lists is always growing though, so I probably wion't get to them anytime soon...

      I have seen The Apartment though and yeah, it was great. Jack Lemmon is just heartbreaking and selfless in it! My favorite Jack Lemmon film is still The Odd Couple, but I first saw that movie in grade school so that's like 90% nostalgia talking.

      I have not seen The Lobster but have heard good things about it. The poster looks great. I used to look up trailers for films people recommend but I've stopped doing that now that the trailers have started giving away the whole film! Anyway, I'll give it a look. Sounds great!

  3. Horns, with Daniel Radcliffe

    Noah (2014), directed by Darren Aronofsky

    Stephen King's Sleepwalkers (this one is kind of a joke, you don't have to do it)

    Have fun!

    -Anne (Basil's sister)

  4. Greetings! It's been a while, but it occurred to me that you may be interested in one of my favorite films from the previous decade. I highly recommend Annihilation ( It's narratively layered eye candy with interesting themes and rich performances from an A-class cast.

    1. Hey - I've seen Annihilation! It was really good. I'd read the books beforehand and (as usual!) the movies didn't exactly match my imagination, but they were very good nonetheless. The soundtrack sold me on it really - those buzzing groans and sirens - so alien, so cool! It had a lot of really great images as well which is all I really ask for :)

  5. Fate (2016) ( I saw this movie accidentally about a year ago and it still occupies space in my mind.

  6. It's been a pretty good year for unusual movies, and I've been to the theater quite a few times already.

    All from 2022

    - Everything Everywhere All at Once
    - The Northman

    Also, Fresh (2022) was a delightful surprise that a friend recommended on Hulu (it's better if you go in blind).

