Saw Dekalog III, Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. It was the Christmas special. A woman and a man who had both cheated with each other on their respective spouses spend the night looking for the woman's missing husband. This is a ploy by the woman to get the man to spend time with her again. The action takes place early early on Christmas morning which is a depressing time for lonely people. The woman reveals that tonight was a test for herself to see if she could not spend the night alone. The man and woman resolve that their relationship is better ended and the episode ends. There was a lack of ingenious images in this one. There is a striking little image of a boy (and later a man) in pajamas, but that's it. I liked the ugly scene in the drunk-tank. It reminded me a bit of Sunrise by F.W. Murnau in so far as the two characters are journeying together and coming a bit to terms with each other. As opposed to Sunrise, this has more of an altruistic, rather than a redemptive, slant. Perhaps the man is, in a way, redeeming himself for his past actions by helping and indulging his much more damaged ex-lover (who sort of preemptively redeems herself in a scene with an aging aunt.)
I can't wait to get to the juicier (and hopefully more accessible) episodes about coveting.
Again, excellent! For what little it's worth, I "agree" with your criticism of this film also.