Saw Escape From the Planet of the Apes. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Escape. The third film in the franchise. This time three of the ape-scientists have somehow traveled back in time to the present day (of 1971.) Then the intelligent chimps are at first treated like interesting anomalies until it is discovered that they can talk. They are questioned by officials and then treated as celebrities. But of course, in this paranoid age of 1970, all cannot remain well. Sure enough, one scientist catches wind that they are from a terrible future where humans are treated like animals and he decides they must die. I don't know why he thinks this. It's explained that he believes the course of the future can be changed but I'm not really sold on the idea that the future-apes have to die for this to happen. One of them is an archaeologist. Surely he's an invaluable resource for information on our possible future, or at least for really long-range bar-bets if nothing else.
That evil scientist later explains time and God as being like a painter painting a painting of a painter, so I think he might just be supposed to be insane. This is no jab at science either, by the way. Several scientists are sympathetic and kind. Just that one guy is nuts. Anyway, that one dude's poor motivations aside, the rest of the film is fairly thoughtful. The human society is rather callous toward the apes, but understandably so. I think the humans are actually shown in a fairly charitable light throughout the film. For example, when the president is called upon to kill the ape-folk he sagely responds that "we don't kill beings who have committed no crime." I think if this movie were made today the president would be totally cool with that and that they'd be shipped straight off to Guantanamo. In this film, the apes are treated as celebrities, being talked to by scientists and politicians. Very classy.
Anyway, due to the machinations of the evil scientist, about halfway through the film it becomes a sort of chase film, the apes always one step ahead of Johnny Law. At this point the film becomes a bit less fun as the film works towards a climax. The climax and following reveals fell a bit silly to me, but then this is a silly film series.
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