Saw Toys in the Attic, an animated film about toys having adventures while the humans aren't around in an attic. A teddybear, a wad of gum, and a Marionette named Sir Handsome must save their beloved Mrs Buttercup who has been kidnapped by the denizens of the Land of Evil. It's very whimsical and adorable, althought it plainly owes a huge debt to Jan Svankmajer. Everything is dusty and old, the toys are missing eyes and limbs, paint is flaking off of everything. It's very much like Jan's Alice only of course a bit cuter, and involving less raw meat. Also the marionette gets his pencil-sword out of a box of colored pencils labelled Mephistopheles which I think is a nod to Faust, anther of Jan's films.
The film is a delight. There are a few scary scenes, but nothing horrible. I suspect the creepy old dolls will seem more freaky to parents than to kids, which is maybe why this film isn't very well known. It's an utter delight though. At one point Teddy and Sir Handsome are scaling a dresser, hammering nails into it for foot-holds. They watch as a little ant-like toy walks right up the cliff-face. Soon, pillowcase-clouds are floating by. Presently it rains blue cloth. Just adorable and wonderful. It's not as logical and sensible as say Toy Story, but it's beautiful and great nonetheless. I really liked this one.
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