Saw Candy, a fairly depressing drug film about Dan and Candy, a young couple in love. He a poet, she a painter. They spend their days mumbling into each other's faces, nose-tips touching. They do a bit of heroine on the side, but they are so very happy and so very in love. As an acoustic guitar plays, a title card fades in saying 'heaven.' Already we can see the 'earth' and eventual 'hell' title cards incoming. This will not end well.
As with many drug-related tragedies, the film is full of heartbreak. Dignity compromised and lines crossed, chances at redemption missed or purposely blown. The only question is if it will end in death or despondency. The film is interesting and effective. It largely avoids dream sequences or those camera tricks that you see to convey that drugs are happening. It's shot naturalistically for the most part, showing the characters' trips from the outside. These kids are young and in love, they're hurting no one, but of course their life is unsustainable. Eventually they'll get evicted. Eventually the money will dry up.
A powerfully sad film. I wouldn't really recommend it as it is a tremendous bummer. It's better than your average misery porn, so if you have some kind of interest in seeing junkies self-destruct, you should check it out.
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