Jul 22, 2018

Cold Prey

Saw Cold Prey, a Norwegian horror movie about five 30-something-year-old teenagers who are stranded in an abandoned ski lodge and who are being hunted down by someone (or someTHING!!) It's not a bad film. They build up some backstory for the characters and give us some emotional ties to them. Since this is a horror film, of course these teens are mostly there to smooch and scream and although there's a fair amount of that, I found myself caring somewhat about their emotions (such is my weakness.)

The reveal of the Big Bad at the end of the film is telegraphed far off. I feel like on some level it doesn't really matter what's killing them and frankly that no explanation would be way creepier, but that's not satisfying to our sense of tidiness so the killer has to be identified. This identification happens so early on however that I don't know why they treat the reveal like a reveal. Okay, whatever.

This wasn't a bad film. It was tense and scary at times but fairly low stakes. It felt like a very by-the-numbers survival horror film. For genre fans only I think.

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