Saw Cyborg, because I am not immune to the allure of trash. It's set in the future where a pandemic has ravaged society, leaving only roving gangs of muscly dudes all wearing some kind of gunge outfit. Jean Claude Van Dame is a "Strider" in this brave new world: someone who escorts city-dwellers out of the city. The title is a bit of a tease however since Jean Claude is not actually a cyborg. He's escorting a lady however who is also … not a … cyborg. They do briefly encounter one woman who is a cyborg and who has medical data on how to fight the disease. Cyborg!
The film is dumb camp. It's not totally terrible or unwatchable. The fight scenes drag on forever unfortunately and Jean Claude finds a flimsy excuse to preform his signature 180 degree split. He's kind of a small and dainty dude however, so it's hard to really buy him as an action star. He needs to be kind of sensitive, I feel, and less screamy. Anyway he screams a lot in this film, to unfortunate effect.
The film is what is appears to be: silly and violent. It takes itself a little more seriously than I'd expect which was nice. It was the last film produced by Golan-Globus whose films I've been watching recently (Masters of the Universe, Lifeforce) They don't make great films, it's true, but they are different and very passionate about their strange ideas. No other studio would throw this much money at this film.
The movie is quite dumb, but after I started glazing over, I enjoyed it more. It's a low-brain kind of film. I did enjoy its silliness and its excess and, best of all, I don't know that the film was in on the joke. A dumb fun movie.
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