Saw The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists, a deliciously silly film by Aardman animations, the team behind the Wallace and Gromit series. This film followed a pirate captain named Pirate Captain as he tries to win the coveted Pirate of the Year award. He finally seems to have hit it big when he plunders the boat of one Charles Darwin who is trying to win the Scientist of the Year award himself.
The film is for children and is not directed by Pixar, so it's never very serious. Everything is either a joke, or a tiny humorous Easter egg. In one moment, there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it wanted poster for the pirate Damp Bertie. It's not a joke per say, but it's just so joyous and silly. I enjoyed it.
By far the best parts of the film involved the increasingly insane hijinks of Queen Victoria (Queen of England, Enemy of Pirates). She is portrayed initially as a restrained woman with a burning hatred of pirates, but she increasingly becomes an unhinged avatar of rage. All of her stuff is just great.
I really enjoyed the film. It has a lot of warmth and cleverness and silly set pieces. It's not the most memorable or something you'll want to watch over and over, but it's a solid film and definitely consistently entertaining. It's the sort of film I want to show to other people.
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