Saw Luca, the film by Pixar rumored to be an animated Call Me By Your Name, but which is in fact, a sort of low-key, typically sweet and imaginative coming-of-age film about a pair of outsiders integrating into an intolerant society which can be read as a sort of queer allegory, but which is not so overt as to be unmistakable or even unambiguous. This is a Disney subsidiary we're talking about after all, they are primarily a business and will continue to cautiously bide their time before dropping yet another First Gay Character Ever.
The film follows a boy from a race of sea monster people who can assume a human disguise when they go above water and dry out. Ala Ariel, Luca is curious about life above the waves and follows a more adventurous sea-monster-boy above the waves. They dream of further exploration and world-expansion in the form of a Vespa scooter. This central yearning for more freedom and more experience eventually drives a wedge between the boys, however as they fall apart, they grow into more whole individuals.
The film is very small and intimate for a Pixar film, however it's no less touching or sweet. There are many delightful moments and also a few heartbreaking ones. It is a minor film for Pixar, that's a high bar. It's a pretty great film for children's entertainment.
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