Saw The Boys in the Band (2020), a fairly emotional drama about a big gay birthday party in 1970s New York. The film deals with the struggles of homosexuals of the time: being honest with ones self, with the world, not only about being gay but about what your sexuality means specifically for you. In modern times, now that society is a bit more accepting of gay folks, the themes are a little less life-and-death (although, of course, there's still much progress to be made) but I feel this makes the film almost more relevant. Now that we can talk about this stuff a little openly, we can really think about it.
The central point of the film is a little dated however: the idea is that we've got to be unabashed and proud, that we've can't take on society's ideas of respectability and of what relationships aught to look like, we've just got to be who we are. Like, yes that's very true, but we know we know. It bears repeating though.
Anyway, the film is was decent. I'm glad I watched it alone because it contains a lot of stagey very sincere emotion. It was a little melodramatic and self-important, but I guess it fits with the delightfully queeny, swishy characters. I liked the film more or less, but it was awkward for me to watch.
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