Saw The Endless (2017), an indie mumble-core sort of horror directed by the same guys who directed Resolution which I was not too terribly jazzed about. Once again, we have a high-concept sort of horror which can be thought of as being a closely related to movies themselves. It's a sort of post-modern twist. So it's very clever, yes, but once again it's not terribly interesting to me. I'm afraid I'm just not motivated by chilly concepts. I get it, the way that I get the Pythagorean theorem, but it's not compelling to me as a story.
So okay, the plot starts out with two brothers who have escaped a cult. They are struggling to make it in the outside world and the younger brother yearns for the life he enjoyed as a teenager ie: the cult. So they decide to go back for a quick little visit (which, judging from what I know about cults is at least a horrible idea) and there they find some weird rock totems, some spookily calm cultists, and exotic drugs. It evokes a sort of twee, indie Midsommar before it finally reveals the nature of the horror.
So it's an odd duck of a film. It didn't beguile me clearly but it's low-key charming and very different. It's very similar to Resolution, so if you liked that, give this a look because it's very much the same movie.
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