Saw The Man from Hong Kong. It was an Australian kung-fu exploitation movie that hit every cliche: a fight in a resteraunt, blithe ignorance of all that messy 'due process,' every car explodes at the slightest bump, endless endless fight sequences, every woman is conventionally attractive and in a tight shirt, endless henchmen of a drug-running (always with the drugs!) bad guy, yes, this one has it all. It was both genuinely and extremely shlocky. At one point the main character, a Chinese inspector, is running away from bad guys. He jumps into a passing car which is filled with busty women. They drive him back to their house and nurse him back to health. Later: "Are you well enough yet for me to make love to you?" Cue 10 minute montage.
If that sort of thing appeals to you, then check this film out because it's the shlockiest I've seen in a while. Unfortunately, as you are probably aware, this sort of thing does not excite me. I enjoy excess now and then, but I found this one too grim and not aware enough (as far as I could tell) of its own stupidity. Like a drunk at a party, it has no idea how obnoxious, unfunny, and kind of racist/sexist it's being.
Edit: I had a suspicion that this was loosely based on James Bond, but couldn't really recall why I thought this. At any rate, the imdb trivia backs me up. Also, this is apparently "Ozploitation."
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