Saw MFKZ, a zany French anime. It was animated by studio 4°C who also created the similarly spectacular Tekkonkinkreet and Mind Game. This film follows a teenager living in some sprawling city on the Mexican border. This teenager is completely black with a gaint, round, 8-ball-like head. His roommate has a flaming skull for a head. One of his good friends is a bat with braces and he has a pet hoard of cockroaches. It's a nutty, nutty film.
As the story progresses, men in black start appearing and chasing the main character, shooting at him. We learn more about his shadowy origin story and the film becomes a 'choose wimpy goodness' vs 'embrace powerful evil' sorts of dilemmas. The main point of the film, of course, is to present you with crazy shit, but that's where the plot goes.
The film is gloriously overstuffed with imagery. Like the Tank Girl comics, there's all of these amazingly great little details to notice that are in themselves irrelevant but as a whole create a rich tapestry, bringing the ghetto to life and making the characters pop. I loved the messiness of it. Not a great film, but definitely entertaining and fast enough to be charming throughout.
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