Saw Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, an animated film about a teenage boy who is bitten by a radioactive spider and quickly becomes the Spider Man. Due to villainous shenanigans, suddenly his universe sees a huge influx of Spider-people. There's shlubby loser Spiderman, trench coat noir Spiderman, girl Spiderman, and even swine Spiderman.
I saw this film a while ago, so I'm going far back into my memory here, but I remember really liking it. There's a lot of sophisticated visual story-telling. The cartoon animation jerks and stutters, the characters flashing between poses like a comic book collage. There's a breathtaking scene where the teenage Spiderman flings himself into the sky and, the image inverted, it looks like he's falling into the ocean. Just a great scene.
Again, it's been a while since I've seen this, so I really only remember a few scenes. I remember liking it however, so go watch it!
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