Jun 3, 2017

Samurai Cop

Saw Samurai Cop (thanks, John!) It was a gloriously terrible film about a young renegade cop (the one they call "Samurai") who is drought in to shut down a dangerous gang of Japanese guys. Although the film is called Samurai cop, most of the fight scenes are like that one in Indiana Jones where this guy come brandishing a sword (a katana usually, in this film) and is just shot. The film came out in '89 but has the grainy godawful look of 70s grindhouse schlock. cigarette burns, stressed filmstock and clumsy pacing are everywhere. It's hilarious.

The protagonist is this guy with a pretty nice body and a gigantic wig of long, luxurious hair. He aggressively hits on every woman he comes across and we are treated to sex scenes which linger for minutes on end. The women, of course, are totally into him as well. At one point some woman just grabs his junk and they have a frank discussion about the state of his genitals. The film feels like it's just the plot scenes from a porn flick. I half-suspect there's a dead-serious actually-just-porn version of this film that was filmed alongside this one.

This is clearly a cheaply made film. Several times sound clips are repeated, particularly good shots are looped. The effect is like being in a cheap room that someone tried to spruce up by adding mirrors. Characters eerily refer to future events as though they've already occurred. At one point Samurai Cop is in a film editing studio, prompting all kinds of questions. Are we watching Samurai Cop edit this, his own film?

This is a party film. It requires company while watching. There are many protracted sex scenes however, so proceed with caution, but wow, this is on a whole nother level. There's so many cheap jokes to be made. It's astounding.

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