Aug 27, 2013

Prince of Darkness

Saw Prince of Darkness. It was a ripping old horror from the 80s. It's never terribly scary (tense at a few moments, but not bad on the whole) and kooky science abounds ('a message from the future!' 'Must be tachyons.') which ordinarily causes nerd-rage in me, but the point of this film is clearly not to educate but to amuse and surprise so alright. I also liked the colossal computers and pointless hardware. There's kind of a shitty moment when one of the characters seem to imply the homeless are 'lesser animals.' OK. The rest of the film is fun and surprising, keeping the imagery coming at a good enough clip.

I also want to highlight the film's music. That synthed-out soundtrack is so typical of the horror-themed puzzle-games that I used to love in grade school.

There is the usual ambiguously bad ending Carpenter delights in. His 'twist' endings make the film a bit more chaotic, but I find them to be also a bit contrived and cheap, like the inevitable twists at the end of Twilight zone episodes. Horror generally works better the more unpredictable it is, so though it's annoying to see the expected 'or is it?!?'-style ending, it's refreshing to see that Carpenter eschews the prim morality found in many horrors of the era (the only couple to have sex, for example, survive quite long.) Fun, imaginative, silly movie.

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